Fall Women's Studies

Fall Women's Studies

Tuesdays beginning Sept 10

Morning Studies Timeline:
8:45am -- Fellowship
8:45am -- Childcare Opens (birth thru Pre-K, by registration only)
9:15am -- Welcome & Opening
9:30 - 11:30 am -- Studies

For both morning and evening studies, please register by Sept. 3 to guarantee you have a book on the first day of the study.
All Tuesday studies are $20.

Morning Studies at CFC -- 8:45-11:30am

Christ B.C.  |  led by Carole Capen

Matthew comes first in the New Testament for a reason; sometimes as we study parts of the Old Testament or parts of the New, the connection between them gets lost. The study Christ B.C. looks at what God taught his people about the Messiah in the Old Testament through the Christophanies, (appearances of Christ,) and the types of Christ found there in addition to the “buzz words” occurring in both Testaments, which are linked to Messianic ideas. The study is an expansion and modification of a study by Bill Myers.

Ruth: Rescued by the Redeemer  |  led by Bev Bushelman

Do you sometimes feel like you look back on your life only to find a trail of dreams that have become shattered over the years? Do you wonder why the Lord would let you dream and seemingly not answer those heart-felt prayers? Are you disappointed with how your life is “turning out”? Journey with us as we look in depth at the Old Testament book of Ruth and one of its main characters, Naomi, whose dreams were completely crushed and see the greater story God was writing. From her example, we can find hope in the midst of unrealized dreams.

Prayer  |  led by Carol Kettenhofen

What does it mean to communicate with God? Is it praising, listening, seeking, asking? It’s all these things and so much more. How do we respond when the answer to prayer isn’t what we want? What if the answer is a definite no? Do we have patience in waiting? What is our heart posture during difficult times? The throne of our Father is filled with grace and love. He teaches, guides, and directs when we truly seek Him. Our twelve-week study will examine various prayers throughout the Old and New Testament. Abraham, Mary, Paul, Jesus to name a few. There is independent study for each session. Class time consists of verse-to-verse teaching, small group discussion, prayer, laughter, and fun.

Interactive Quiet Time  |  led by Diane Kindall

The most fundamental necessity for knowing God is growing deeper and deeper in our relationship with Him; not our relationship “to” Him but “with” Him. “With” is a full, rich, interactive word. We bow down, we worship, we adore Him, etc. which the OT Jews also did. But, with the birth, death and resurrection of Christ, God in Christ became Immanuel - God with us! (Not outside of us, beside us…but with us) He came to indwell us as Paul says in Colossians 1:27, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Each week we will have a group Quiet Time to experience together the joy of communing with God. This class does not require any previous knowledge of the Scriptures. This class is open to any lady desiring to grow in her relationship with the Lord.

Unbelieving Husbands: The Neglected Harvest  |  led by Eileen Dillman

“The LORD Jesus Christ said, '...look on the fields: for they are white already to harvest.'” John 4:35. However, one field is rarely looked on by the institutional church: the field of spiritually indifferent men married to Christian women. While their wives have the greatest potential to reap this harvest, they may be new in faith themselves, or unequipped with training pertinent to their specialized mission. This study offers a definite strategy for the believing wife living with an unbeliever. The thought-provoking exercises help lead the reader through to the heart of God for their unsaved husbands. Through this study you will gain God’s perspective and peace by allowing God’s word to minister both to your needs and your husband’s.

1 Peter by Jen Wilkin  |  led by Amanda Quinn & Kristen Turner

Our inheritance through Christ is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. In 1 Peter, a man of faith and flaws and eyewitness to the life of Christ challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to a future inheritance. He shares his concerns on big picture issues for the early church, describes believers' true identity in Christ, and ultimately helps readers discover what it means to experience the Living Hope they have in Christ. Key themes of humility, submission, and identity in Christ guide the study of 1 Peter as participants are challenged to read the book in its entirety each week. Study consists of weekly homework, group discussion, and a teaching video.

Evening Study at CFC -- 6:30-8:30pm

Meditating on the Psalms  |  led by Heather Schultz

Do you ever read your Bible and promptly forget what you’ve read? The reality is that you may not be the problem at all. The problem may simply be your method. Join us at CFC on Tuesday evenings as we meditate on a different psalm each week. Our goal is to grow closer to Christ and become more like Him. Each week, we will use a different method of meditating on God’s Word from Donald Whitney’s book Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. These methods are designed to be simple and accessible to all. We’ll start each meeting by sharing our personal highs and lows from the previous week. Then, we’ll explore a specific method of meditating on Scripture and apply it to the first verse of our chosen psalm. Afterward, there will be time for individual practice, followed by a group discussion of our takeaways and prayer requests. This class is for busy Christian women. There is no homework, so the only time commitment is during our two-hour class. Each week is independent of the previous, as we will apply a different method of meditation to a different psalm. Please Note: there is no childcare for this study.


2150 E Orange Grove Road
Tucson, Arizona 85718

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