Adult sunday Classes


10:25 - 11:30am  |  taught by Don Adams
The Berean Class meets each week from 10:25 - 11:30am in Rm 304. Fellowship time with snacks and coffee starts at 10:10, after first service. Join us as we look into the Archaeology of the Bible. We explore a new Bible story or event each week and learn how recent archaeological discoveries show that we can trust the Bible as an accurate historical document -- and that the Word of God is alive and true. Everyone is welcome to come and participate in this fascinating journey of discovery.

PLEASE NOTE: This class breaks for the summer, with the last meeting being May 26; will resume in the fall.

Connect & Community

9 - 10:15am  |  taught by David Carnahan
"Zeroes & Heroes"
We will be continuing through the Old Testament and looking for the gospel in the lives of the characters God highlights for us. This will be a journey of discovery that leads us to deeper relationships with each other and our Creator.

PLEASE NOTE: This class breaks for the summer, with the last meeting being May 19; will resume in the fall.

Reading the bible

10:15am  |  led by Amy Barker
We read the Bible carefully and deeply in order to mine the depths of the Treasure of God's Word. Together, trusting the Holy Spirit at work in each of us, we come to new understandings, new ponderings, and most of all new awe and worship of our God. Led by Amy Barker. All are welcome!

PLEASE NOTE: This class will move to Rm 304 beginning June 2; if you usually attend one of our other adult Sunday School classes and want to continue Sunday School through the summer, please consider joining.

Exploring cfc

9 - 10:30am  |  taught by Pastor Chad Turner
Next Class Start Date TBD
Learn more about who we are, what we believe, and why. This five-week class is typically offered twice yearly, once in the spring and once in the fall, and meets from 9 - 10:30am on Sunday mornings*. If you would like to become a member of our church, this is the class to take -- but you are not committed to becoming a member once you've finished the class. For questions contact Chad Turner.

*Children birth thru 5th grade can join Catalina Kids Sundays, and youth 6th thru 12th can join Youth Sunday School.
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Tucson, Arizona 85718

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