
Go Therefore And Make Disciples Of All Nations

Matthew 28:19

Catalina Foothills Church is humbled by the generous and sacrificial spirit of our people.  We seek to reflect the gospel to the nations and expand the gospel through your generous tithes and offerings. We support an extensive list of Global Missionaries, Local Missionaries, Church Plants, and Mission Organizations. Keep scrolling to see the list of current global Missionaries we support.


Lecce, Italy

Vencenzo & Judit Coluccia - MTW

Laboring to plant a Christ-centered, gospel-driven Presbyterian Church in Lecce, which will hopefully become self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating.
Costa Rica

Rodney and Jana Davila

Empowering Costa Rica through Reformed church planting and medical/mercy ministries.

Luciano and Luciene Pires

Advancing the Gospel through church planting and leadership training with university students in Porto, Portugal, after completing a decade serving in Brazil.

Larry and Sandy Rockwell - MTW

Live and serve among the indigenous Quechua in the Andes Mountains of Peru.

Dennis and Mai Spencer

Jesus in Vietnam Ministries
The Church at Binh Chau, providing mercy care and children's ministry programs where 99% don't know Jesus.

Steven and Tanya Crawford

MTW missionaries to St. Petersburg, Russia

Adam and Michelle Cain

Recruiting, educating and discipling Honduran leaders to grow and multiply the church and serve the people of their communities.


Pastoring and church planting in Turkey
North Africa

Jan S - MTW

Seminary training for pastors and Bible teachers in predominantly Muslim countries
North Africa

Missionary Team

Living among and building relationships with Muslim Arabs in North Africa; details cannot be shared as they serve in a closed country.
Navajo Nation, Arizona

DH and Emily Henry - MTW

The Henrys focus on training and preparing young indigenous leaders to become better equipped to bring the gospel of the kingdom to their tribe. Ultimately, God has given them a vision to see Reformed families joined together in Christ, worshipping Jesus and making disciples. They are trusting God to use them to lay the groundwork for a PCA church-planting movement on the largest reservation in the U.S. As they disciple, train, and partner with future Navajo leaders, the impact will be felt both among Navajos and the many tribes influenced by this people group.


Join a Focus or Prayer Team

These groups within our CFC community exist to support and encourage missionaries. You are welcome to join an existing one or, if you see a missionary that doesn't have a Focus or Prayer Team associated with it, feel free to start one. Contact the Missions Committee for guidance. 

Encourage Our Active Missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.
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Tucson Refugee Ministry


Tucson Refugee Ministry exists to create and develop a welcoming community that values the nations at our doorstep. This partnership helps to cultivate authentic and lasting relationships between the church and our newest neighbors as we journey together to create new paths of opportunities for growth. Our hope is to nurture and empower refugees to thrive as an integral part of our shared communities.


Connecting the Church with Refugees

Collaborating with agencies, churches, ministries and community partners

Cultivating transformative cross-cultural relationships with refugees

Communicating the facts, faces and stories of refugees

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2150 E Orange Grove Road
Tucson, Arizona 85718

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